Makeup looks for summer 2013

Hello girls,
This season was all about healthy looking skin, you should look naturally pretty, that’s why most of the Beauty brands whether high end or drugstore were working on the nudist and sheer formulas and the craze about BB creams for that second skin finish…20130727-222038.jpg20130727-222552.jpg
And also we have bright lips…
But there is some rules we have to consider:
Rule#1 Don’t pair with heavy eye makeup
Heavy eye makeup will only distract from the look and also will appear too dolled up.
Rule#2 Do choose a matching lip pencil
Full coverage bright lips needs some skill choose a lip pencil with the same colour ” line and fill your lips then apply your lipstick” this will extend the wear of your lip colour and prevent from feathering.
Rule#3 Don’t wear these colours if you are concerned about yellow teeth
While blue red based colours makes everyone’s smile look whiter and brighter, coral and poopy reds tend to make your teeth look more yellowish.
Rule#4 Do exfoliate your lips first
For a softer smoother looking lips and also helps the lipstick to glide on your lips, apply your lip scrub and use a soft toothbrush and brush your lips back and forth and then apply a thick coat of lip balm before apply any makeup and that to give it time to sink in your lips but don’t forget wipe it off before apply the lipstick, leaving it on will shorten the wear of your lip colour.
We’ve seen runways presenting the pink eyeshadow, but they are a bit tricky sometimes they tend to make your eyes look red
And also we’ve seen colored eyeliners, and they come in different colours, you can apply the liner whether on your upper lid or in the waterline


Published by Aliaa Ahmed

fashion/Editorial makeup artist Skin care fanatic

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