Phyto Huile Soysuse (lightweight hydrating oil)

Phyto released this new hydrating oil in a spray form..and this products in my opinion is the boss of all hydrating oils but first I have to say that they should change it into a pump not a spray because the liquid inside is not fine enough to be’s thick as shown below.

It works in different ways.., you can use it before a blow dry to hydrate and protect your hair or after your hair drys as a finishing product also to add hydration and softness or both.
I tried it both ways before and after and on a dry hair only…both ways i was amazed by the result my hair became soft, smooth and doesn’t weight it down.
You shouldn’t spray it directly on hair because it doesn’t spray fine mist, for a perfect distribution the best way is to pump it to your 2 pumps are enough for my hair, I start from the end till the middle of the first you will feel its wet but when it drys you will see the difference…it’s a bit pricey $40 but it worth every penny.

It comes in two versions the white one is for dry fine hair, the yellow one is for dry thick coarse hair..and they are both leave in..try it and you’ll never regret it.
Aliaa 🙂

Published by Aliaa Ahmed

fashion/Editorial makeup artist Skin care fanatic

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